Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy 2010!! Well we are well into the new year, and our Ava is getting sooo big!! Ava is now 14 mo. old! Crazy how time flies. I am now working 4 days a week, so that keeps me just busy enough to never accomplish the things on my "to do" lists. Which may I add, posting a blog has been on the list since February!!! So here it is: Aaron is doing well, we are fortunate work for him has been extremely busy. They are also short handed but not hiring, so there is lots of work but not enough people to get it done. This leaves Aaron working long hours, and he can barley walk in the door when he gets home. He can fall asleep in a blink of an eye. Sometimes we will be chatting after Ava is in bed, and in mid conversation I notice Ive been talking to myself!! Lets just say we both look forward to our weekends of no work and just being with each other and Ava! We are keeping busy with the wedding planning for October 2010, its amazing how expensive it is!!

We thoroughly enjoyed our first Christmas with Ava. She did not get into it of course, but we had fun decorating and having her play with all of the x-mas stuff. For the New Year we celebrated by staying at Grandma and Papa L's and eating like Kings and Queens! Great Aunt Patti, Uncle Craig, and cousin Lucas all joined in the celebrations. We had a great evening.

The end of January we celebrated Ava's FIRST birthday!! We held her party at our community rec center (our house is too small). And enjoyed celebrating with our close friends and family. I of course went overboard for the party because she only turns one once! We all know what a miracle she was, I may not get that chance again. So needless to say I really enjoyed baking the 110 cupcakes, (lemon raspberry, cherry chocolate, and sprinkle for the kids mmmm!) making the stand for them, decorating goodie bags, making games, and making her smash cake. It was so worth it. We had a wonderful time, and Ava of course loved all the attention (she is a ham). She got so many wonderful gifts which we are very thankful to everyone for.

The month of February I had to go to Oregon for work...... I enjoyed the trip with my office; but it was so emotional for me to be so far away from my little Ava. Aaron got to have our little jellybean all to himself, and sent me daily video and pictures of their outings. He took her for daily sled rides down Elderdale Dr, Walks in the mall (trying to pick up ladies with his beautiful daughter LOL)! And just playing at home. I know he enjoyed his time with Ava. But I was happy to come home. Never knew how hard it would be to be away from her and Aaron. When I did arrive home Ava ignored me for about a day, she was not happy with me for leaving. Boy did that hurt!!! We also celebrated Lucas's SECOND birthday! He is getting to be such a big boy, he really enjoyed his day and opening all of his gifts. Ava had a blast with all of the kids and she loved the ice cream of course (like mommy)!

In March we celebrated Papa Lynchas birthday. Aunt Jackie had us over and we enjoyed our dinner of hot dogs (papas b-day dinner pick) and all the sides. Aunt Jackie also made Grandmas famous orange cookies for dessert... MMMMMMMM! She is the best! We had a great day with the family, and Ava just loves to be wherever Lucas is. She follows him like a puppy dog.

April brings Easter weekend and we enjoyed spending it with the Augustins, Grandma, and Papa L. We decided to color eggs on Saturday; and we stayed the night so we could wake up with the kids on Sunday together. They awoke to the Easter Bunny's gifts of candy and finding Easter eggs. Lucas was thoroughly thrilled he was allowed to have candy pre-breakfast. We really enjoyed the weekend and are lucky Ava and Lucas are so close in age. Then on to the Gill Familys Easter dinner. Ava LOVED chasing the doggie around! Its the most she has walked yet, just to chase the dog!! We had a great time! The weather this month has brought some nice days, and we have been able to get out with Ava in her bike trailer. She loved it!!

Ava now is 21lbs, 30" inches tall, she is standing and walking when she feels like it. She still loves her books. She really loves when we sing together and does all of her hand motions for the songs. Ava also will dance if she hears the slightest beat. It really is so cute. She still is a jabber jaw and talks her gibberish every waking second. If she is awake, she will be talking. (hmm I wonder where she got that from???) Now in her gibberish is actual words: baba, mama, dada, ball, keys, cow, no, hi, bye, papa, tree, wow, whoa, car, doggie, roar (in response to "what does the lion say"), duck, emo (elmo), eni (ernie), sit.. etc. I am sure there is more that we just haven't figured out yet! She still has a pretty bad case of her acid reflux, and we have been trying to find what medicine will work. But for all the puking, coughing, & sneezing she does; she is still the happiest baby on the block. However she is really starting to hate the doctors. We are still hoping she will grow out of this. The doctors feel she may have acid reflux with allergies or asthma that are making it worse. We are awaiting tests to see if this is the case. She is so wonderful and we really are so blessed that she came into our lives. I wish you all could be as lucky as we are to wake up to her smiling face everyday. But you'll just have to settle with a picture!! Just kidding. Love to you all, xoxox

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!

Well the holidays are here, and we are looking forward to Ava's first Christmas. We decorated the house (with child safe decorations of course), put up the tree ( just lights and candy canes), and Aaron hung icicle lights on the house. Ava did not know what to think the next morning, when she awoke to see the Christmas explosion! We did get to capture her expressions on tape... it was priceless. She enjoys going up to the tree and taking the candy canes off and yelling. She also likes to play with Mommy's toddler size stuffed snowmen. We love watching her.

We took Ava to her first breakfast with Santa on Sunday!! They had a real reindeer, hank the elf, and of course Santa. We were waiting for screams when we sat Ava on Santa's lap, but then remembered..... Ava loves everyone with facial hair! She really enjoyed pulling on Santa's beard (poor guy), and was sad when her time was up. We had a great time, and are looking forward to more holiday fun with our little princess!! Ava is now able to clap, wave HI, and give you hi-five! She is pulling herself up to standing and is walking while holding on to tables, couch, etc. She still is a talker and is saying new babbles everyday. She is getting sooo big, and we love it; but also hate it at the same time. We miss our little bundle that was not mobile and slept in our arms!!
We wish everyone, safe and Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Fall!!!

Can you believe our little girl is 9 months already!!! Well alot has happened, she is now finally crawling and she can pull herself up to standing too. She has mastered crawling and can make it anywhere fast! She loves to follow me EVERYWHERE I go. She has started to get very attached now since she can follow me, so if Im ever somewhere she cant be.... Oh the tears!!! She makes us laugh and smile daily, we love her so much!

We also took our 1st vacation with her to Lake Chautauqua NY. We were in good company with Auntie Jackie, Uncle Jay, Cousin Lucas, Papa and Grandma. We had a wonderful time, and Ava loved all the constant attention for the week. Ava also loves to be anywhere that cousin Lucas is.... she loves him! For Halloween Ava is going to be a little bumble bee. She looks so adorable in her costume, ill post the pictures. Hope everyone is well and is staying healthy during this horrible flu season. We are hoping the H1N1 does not make it into any of our homes!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fun, Family, and Friends!!

Wow we have had a very busy August!! We were so lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa Boetticher stay with us for the month of August. We got to spend lots of time with them, as well as Ava LOVING the extra attention and getting to know her grandparents!!!

We went on many outings... eating out, car trips, new family and friends houses, Catawba, and Sandusky. Aaron and I took Mom and Dad B to Catawba to the winery (Mon Ami) where we were engaged. It was very nice to go back there, we love that place! We are so lucky to have a good baby who is very portable no matter where we go for the most part.

Ava was also very lucky to have grandma and grandpa B babysit her the whole month when mommy had to work. Grandma B read to her everyday and made her learn LOTS of new things. Ava now can say ma-ma and da-da (though she does not know what it means...yet), she also will turn the pages for you when you read to her!! Its soo cute! We were very fortunate to be able to spend time with them, and we all were very sad upon their departure. I know I thoroughly enjoyed the extra company on my days off! They were also a HUGE help around the house. Dad B thoroughly enjoyed showing Aaron how to do things around the house. He had Aaron putting up gutter guards. For once in his life he got to sit and relax and watch Aaron do the work!.... Classic and priceless!!!

Ava also met lots of new friends this month, her cousins Lexi and Caden B, Grandma B's family and friends, and Grandpa B's family and friends as well. She was miss popularity this month, and hammed it up! I have lots of pictures of the events so enjoy!

One night Ava was sound asleep and then all of the sudden we heard screams! We rushed as fast as we could expecting the worst and then we saw this.......

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Six Months Already!!!

Wow cant believe Ive done it again... waited soo long to update the blog~SORRY!!! Well Ava is now 6 months and growing like crazy! Ava now weighs in at 17lbs 9oz, 26.5 inches long! Its seems like every week she is doing something new. Right now Ava has some very special guests visiting right now... Grandma and Grandpa Boetticher, (pictures soon)!! Ava is loving all the attention she is getting on a daily basis, and they are loving all the smiles she gives! We have done lots of fun things the past two weeks, and many more things to come! Ava is now too long for her carrier car seat and we need to be moving her to her big convertible seat, we are sad! It seems our little baby is growing up sooo fast! She can now sit-up, eat at her highchair, laugh, say da-da-da, crawl backwards, roll over both ways, push herself up when on her belly, and make us laugh daily! Ava LOVES her jumper, excersaucer, and playing on her play mat.

We have gone to the Zoo with Great Aunt Luanne, Uncle Phil, Grandmas #1 and #2, Gracie, Julie, Auntie Jackie, and cousin Lucas. Ava loved the Zoo and also enjoyed the choo-choo train ride. Ava got to go to the Zoo again thanks to her yr membership (compliments of Auntie Jackie!) with her new cousins Caden and Lexi Boetticher with Grandma B. She once again loved every moment of it! We enjoyed the 4th of July with all the family, she especially loved seeing her Uncle Dale home safe from the Army! She was our little miss independence for the day! Daddy also took her to the barber shop with him and she got to sit in the big chair all by herself (no haircut yet though)

Ava also got to go swimming in Grandma and Papa Lynchas pool for the first time... SHE LOVED IT! I have many new pictures and videos to put up so everyone can see and enjoy what we are blessed to watch everyday! Hope everyone is well take care! I am having problems uploading videos right now, please check back soon so I can finish this blog with the videos!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just for fun

Well Ava is now 4months and she is getting very big! She has her well visit next week, so I do not have stats yet. I thought I would post some new pics and videos since there have been several requests. Ava still is not rolling over however, she sleeps and plays on her sides... she just wont go any further than that! Stubborn little girl. Ava also has a new sitter (Mommy's friend Mandi) on Tuesdays, who has 3 children..... Ava loves going there to be with the kids. She has constant attention because the other girls (8yr &5yrs) just love the new baby!! There also is a 15mo. old who loves to give the "baby" kisses. Aaron and I almost feel sad because she acts like a different baby over there! Ava is always a happy baby but, we have never seen her smile and laugh as much as she does when she is with them. I guess that's good, because it makes it much easier to leave. ( if that is even possible!) In the pictures above Aaron bought the jelly bean cute fake glasses. She actually likes them! We also got her a strawberry shortcake hat, and to our luck she has not learned how to take it off yet!!! Here is some pics and videos for your enjoyment; below you'll see that daddy does not like to do anything without her!! He loves taking her wherever he goes!!